Sunday 4 December 2011


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (at least 9x still shots analysed)

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

3. What have you learnt from the audience feedback? (post-it notes, interviews, photographs) for all productions (main and ancillary task)

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? (Images with evaluation of digital equipment used for whole process).


Theatrical Trailer and Teaser Trailer research

Areas to Analyse

detailed research into teaser trailers

5x detailed research into film posters

5x detailed research into film magazine front covers

Detailed genre specific research into teaser trailers

Reflection on learning from teaser trailers with links to own teaser trailer production

Reflection on learning from film posters with links to own film poster

Reflection on learning from film magazine front covers with links to own film magazine front covers

Research into inspirational practitioner(s) that influence you

Research into sound tracks (N.B sound tracks must be from copyright free sources)

Research into the most popular (largest) target audiences for films and Film classification research

Detailed research into target audience including questionnaires/interviews/focus groups/find your tribe

Institutional context research into film companies and YouTube


Character development evidence
Statement of intent

Organisation of actors; call sheet/diary of when they are required

Organisation of costumes with images

Organisation of props with images and written justification of how they suit the genre


Shot list & Shooting script

Evidence of drafting for layout of film poster

Evidence of drafting for layout of film magazine front cover

Production schedule
List and images of hardware used 

List and images of software used

If working in a group, allocation of roles need to be evident

Final Ideas and Proposal

Production and Post-Production

Photographs of filming; behind the scenes shots

Variety of high quality photographs for film poster
Variety of high quality photographs for film magazine front cover

Still photos of the editing process with written support

Final teaser trailer

Final film poster

Final film magazine cover

Evaluation - Question 1

Film posterThe film poster that
Analyses of ten still images:still 1 -

this first still that I have is a two person shot of the two main characters, Gabby and Scott. This shot follows many films that have two main characters of opposite genders who are inn some form of relationship e.g. 
this shot here on the other hand has the woman smiling and the man is paying attention to her, ours challenges this by having the man on the phone (ignoring her) and the woman is angry and disappointed, this shows the audience that the couple are arguing or maybe even splitting up, this being the feel that we wanted the audience to get as it is what fuels Gabby's rage.

still 2 - 

this shot is the second, a shot of Gabby walking away from Scott. This follows the conventions of films that have a couple breaking up in them, where the side of the couple that is angry walks off and then it fades out, this conveys that they have split up which is what the audience needs to get from this shot.

still 3 -

this still is of Gabby on the stairs outside, this follows conventions from other films as the person is phone up there boyfriend and has a sad look on her face, she wants to get back with her boyfriend but then the next part of the film happens and this fuels the rage of Gabby throughout the rest of the film.

still 4 -

this still establishes that the two of these people are related or are good friends as they are sitting next to each other and look like they are hanging out or something of the sort, this follows the conventions of other thriller films as there is usually a friend of the main character that is in fact there to lend support with a problem that the character runs into, in the case of this scene, it is that of the fact that he needs him to lie to Gabby, we wanted this to show that Scott did not want anything to do with Gabby any more and wants to move on, not realising the consequences...

still 5 -  

this is similar to the 4th still but this time Scott is looking at Kyle and shaking his head, therefore he does not want Gabby to know he is there, the feeling that wanted to put across exactly. 

still 6 -

this still is a close-up of the reaction on the face of Gabby when she hears that Scott is not in, sad, this follows conventions for example
but this shot is very close up and you cannot see the whole face, this the only difference.

still 7 -

this still is of Gabby as she is stalking Scott, the conventions that this follows is the fact that she slowly peers around the corner, so not to be seen and to fit with the fact that she is now known to be quiet mentally unstable, and want to get Scott back, an example.
in the example, the man is peering around the corner afraid of something, instead in ours the roles are reversed, as Gabby is peering around the corner to seek and find Scott.

still 8 -

this example shows that we have not followed the conventions of the "Scream" films, as here the female character has no idea that the villain is following her, therefore, we have challenged these conventions as we do not have a two shot and that we have a POV shot and that the male character knows that the stalker is there, the feel that we wanted from tjis was that the audience now knows that the follower is there so this still here below...
still 9 -
seems alot more scary, as the follower has gone. so with these 2 shots we have challenged conventions but I feel that it has worked to a good point as it still provides the build in tension that the audience needs in this thriller.

still 10 -

this still I feel follows conventions in some scary films there is a part where a monster or villain of some kind attacks or appears as the tension has built and the music has died down and is very quite. This shot was intended to provide a scare to the viewers and a last punch to the trailer as this is the last shot before the titles and release date are shown.
Question 1 interview
View more presentations from EDPRICE93.

Evaluation - Question 2

Evaluation - Question 3

Evaluation question 3
View more presentations from EDPRICE93.

Here are the ratings that these three people have given our main and ancillary tasks.

Trailer -

Magazine - 

Poster - 

Evaluation - Question 4

Construction and Research

For the construction and the research stage of the project we used a computer as the basis of all of the parts of this, the computers in college and my PC at home.

We also use a pen and paper for some parts, e.g. the storyboard, as this would of been very tricky to do on a computer or laptop and then scanned all the images that we drew and uploaded them onto blogger.

Due to this, I believe that, if we did not have any of this then the whole thing would be impossible to have accomplished.

The software that was used on the computer was also very important as they were vital to getting things done.
Adobe premier pro was one of the main programs in use, along side the other Adobe program, Photoshop. We used these two programs to edit the final products of each of the ancillary tasks and also the main task. If these two things were not present, again the final products would have proven very difficult to produce.
The smaller things that were used included, Word and Paint, which we used to accomplish some smaller but very necessary goals.

The internet for this project has played a huge role in whole thing, in the construction it was used to gather soundtracks, get images and to blog. The research was where the main consumption of internet usage was used, as we used it to find trailers, posters and magazines for the research of these things. Youtube was a large contributor on the internet as well, as when I needed watch trailers I could either watch them on here or on IMdb, either of these were very good.


The planning section was a vital part of the project, and there were many technologies that I used to help plan that made the project very manageable compared to if they weren't there.

Again computers were used for this but there was no use of had drawn or written things, this whole section was on the PC.
A camera was used alot in this section as we used photos to show the costumes, props and the location of the filming. the camera was very vital as we used it to show behind the scene shots and then took all the photos that we would then look through for images and place them on our blogs.
That is another thing that was used, as it is where all of this is going, the blogs.
Mobile phones and email on the computer was used alot to communicate with actors that would potentially be acting in our trailer, also email was a way of communicating with our teacher to ask for permission to use the camera, or if we had any queries.


The production section we used Premier, Photoshop, Word and Paint to edit all of the things that we had gathered into our final pieces.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Evaluation Plan

Question one

In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


Media products
- Film Poster
- Film magazine Cover
- Teaser Trailer

Typical Conventions
- They all have an image
- They don't give much away
- Title
- Actor and Actress/characters
- Tag line

- Masthead
- They have an image
- They are advertising the film preview as the main subject
- They offer deals and special offers and catchy lines to catch the audience attention
- They advertise other films and actors and actresses
- They should stand out because there is a lot of competition on the market
- They should not look to 'cluttered' or 'busy'
- Make the audience want to read the content of the magazine
- The layout
- The way the masthead is structured
- The image
- The sub heading

Teaser Trailer
- Aimed to tease the audience, not giving to much away
- Short, snappy and attention grabbing
- Need to make the audience want to go and watch the film
- Present the characters and show their personality slightly, not giving too much away
- Relevant music and catchy soundtracks
- Genre relevant
- Music that contrasts the mood, confuses the audience
- Some slow scenes some quick scenes

Media product relevance
Our products are relevant to professional media products because they follow typical conventions and in some cases also challenge conventions. Our magazine follows many conventions but the masthead is unconventional. The contrast of the different soundtracks across our teaser trailer creates a more confusing atmosphere for the audience so they don't know when to be scared. The poster follows conventions except the image is black and white but this fits the theme of the film more as it needs to be more dark and mysterious. Professional products need to create a massive effect on the target audience for it to be successful. We can prove that our teaser trailer is causing a stir because we have ___ hits on our new You Tube upload.

Here is some of the audiences ratings on our teaser trailer... People can hold up numbers to show there ratings, video interview, different opinions, final ideas and conventional ideas.

These still shots I will now analyse to show the effect.

Analyse 10 still shots from our teaser trailer, showing relevance to other trailers and shot types etc. how they compare and contrast or follow the conventions of other trailers, links, still shots etc from other trailers. Voice recording of questions being asked, me, being videoed can answer, can also interview a member of the target audience.

1) How did you decide on the genre?
We decided on the genre by doing audience questionnaires to collect peoples votes of the most popular genre and their specific tastes. We selected a variety people in the age category of our target audience to find out the best possible genre. In fact the highest voted was comedy but after discussion we felt this genre would be very hard to create an amazing teaser trailer for that would be professional enough for the standard of our audience. So we decided on a thriller which we felt we could accomplish well enough to be a great product.

2) What made you pick these actors and actresses?
We decided on these two specific actor and actress as they both promote drama and have acted a lot before and we felt their personality and skills stood out enough and were perfect for our roles. They are both down-to-earth and keen to listen and learn. We felt we could rely on them both and they would be nice to work with.#

3) Who is the target audience?
The target audience are citizens aged from 15-25yrs because we feel that the film would capture their interest most through the complex emotional roller coaster of the storyline and the ambitious characters in the film. This being a thriller is a popular genre that have chosen as second most favourite. It can suit both genders because the film has two sides to it. The scary aspects of the film can sometimes acquire a specific taste but we feel it is gripping enough they would be mad to miss out on this one!

4) How does the music challenge or follow conventions?
The music in our teaser trailer both challenges and follows conventions. For example we have a slow and creepy  soundtrack right from the beginning which creates the right atmosphere and tension that the audience should feel. But as we go through the film some slight upbeat soundtracks were used to create a contrast between the tense atmophere, to a more light and slightly humerous atmosphere so that the audience will feel slightly confused about what is happening next. This is challenging conventions because it should get the audience hooked and confused so that they want to watch more! We have other sounds for the part where character "Gabby" is stalking her 'boyfriend' this then makes the audience realise she is the evil one and something wil happen as the tension is building.

5) What ambitions did you have that you couldn't follow through with?
Ambitions that we had that we couldn't follow through with was to make the trailer slightly more scary and to make it mess with the audiences minds more. We did not want to make this happen if we could not support it to the correct standards and did not feel like the video wasn't strong enough but we are still happy with the final outcome.

Question two

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


The effect of our main product with the ancillary tests...
Interview video
1) What would you say was the most effective product?
The magazine was the most effective according to the results of our audience feedback. This shows that the target audience was most interested in the movie magazine.   
2) Which product stands out the most at the target audience?
We wanted the teaser trailer to be the product that stood out the most because this was the main task that we spent the most time on and it is the trailer was the one that we wanted to be the most successful.
3) Who is more likely to read a magazine, look at a poster or view the trailer?
I think that the audience is most likely to watch trailers of the movie rather than the other products, as it is the most accessible product as it can be view in cinemas, on television and on the internet. 
4) What would be the most popular product on the market and why?
I believe that the product with the most positive feedback would be the most successful on the market, this being the movie magazine.
5) How important is it for your audience to enjoy your main product and ancillary texts?
It is highly important that the audience enjoy all of the products as if they didn't then the whole thing would of been a failure, seen as the audience would not of view any of the products and then in turn, not had any interest

Question 3


What have you learnt from the audience feedback? (post-it notes, interveiws, photographs) for all productions (main and anccillary task)


Use the information from the audience feedback questions and comments.
Interviews and audience opinions
Proof of audience enjoyment (show a part of the video with the audience's reaction, etc.
Use the different comments to show how the trailer and other tasks where taken into account by the audience.
What product and what part of teaser trailer they like the best.
Show their ratings, use images and notes and post-it notes.
Show how we have developed our products through audience feedback. The audience are happy with the new products etc.
Interview shows the before and after thoughts. Photographs of before and after as proof. Main product to use print screens and to show editing.

1) What did you find the easiest and hardest about developing to the audience standards?
We found the easiest thing was to be creative and come up with lots of different ideas. I think that is a skill that was extremely important in this whole task and requires some big ideas to make this work. I think that the hardest thing was meeting our audiences' standards with our main product. We tried hard to make it adventurous, gripping, twisted and emotional, and we had to make the editing up to a very high standard which i hope we acheived. I think that this was definatley the hardest audience standard to meet.
2) What was the main issue that the audience wanted to change?
The audience wanted change a few things, for example the masthead layout and price of the magazine and the tag line on the movie poster. One of the main things that the audience would like to change was how clear the genre of the film was in the trailer, they understand the genre of the trailer but they feel it could be clearer.
3) How many people agreed and disagreed?
Most people that we asked for feedback approved most of the products that we had, but we also appreciated the costructive criticism that we had.
4) Do you agree or disagree with the changes made?
We completely accept all of our audience feedback and have taken it into account.
5) What have you learnt about the importance of audience feedback?
We have learnt from audience feedback that it is probabaly the most important piece of information that can make or break your products. The audience is who your are trying to please and sell it to, therefore you need to be able to fulfil their standards and needs. We would not have acheived this work unless we had our audience's opinions, comments and critisisms.

Question four

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? (Images with evaluation of digital equipment used for whole process).


The use of software and hardware usef throughout the entire design, planning and making of the products and ancillary products. All of the software wasn used to enhance and design the products otherwise it would not be possible.
Showing images of computer and/or laptop as the main facility and the software used on the computer; word, internet and print screen on websites,(soundtracks, DaFont, google, etc) Photoshop, paint, ADOBE Premier Pro, how all of the software links to create all of your products.
The marketing, You tube to get the video viral and to get more hits. Why and how we used this software and how it was possible to create our products on them.
The hardware used, ie. video camera to capture the action and the tripod and the digital camera and the mobile phones also, for contact and for prop and the cable to connect the camera to the computer to ADOBE Premier Pro to create the final product. Use images not an interveiw for this, maybe a slideshow with a few notes to label each product and why.

Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback Magazine Cover

1. Do you think this represents a good film magazine cover and would you buy it?

Yes             No
IIII                I

2. Do you think it stands out against the other magazines on the market, if Yes, why...

Yes               No 
IIII                I

Because it has a 'catchy' name
Because of the picture 
- Challenging conventions using the masthead
- Because it looks new and low budget

3. Does the front cover make you interested in the content inside the magazine?

Yes            No 

4. If you could change anything what would it be...

I would lower the price 
- Make the masthead standout more

Audience Feedback Movie Poster

1. Do you think this represents a good film poster?

Yes             No 
IIII                I

2. Does it make you interested in the film or want to see the movie?

Yes             No
IIII               I        

3. What would you change about the movie poster...

- I would make the title bigger
- I would have the image in colour
- The release date 
- Make the tag line positioning better

Audience Feedback Teaser Trailer

1. Do you think this is a good teaser trailer?

Yes              No
III                 II

2. Does it make you want to see the film?

Yes               No
III                  II

3. What do you like best about the trailer...
- The music 
- The actors 
- The brilliant acting

4. Were the characters realistic and fit for the role of the film? If No, Why...

Yes         No
IIII           I

- Actors were not in love enough

5. Was it suited for the genre?

Yes       No
IIII        I

6. Would you now go and watch this as a film? 

Yes       No 
IIII        I 

Saturday 26 November 2011

Reflection on Teaser Trailer

Our teaser trailer is a thriller. We decided on this genre because in our research it was the second most popular choice, and the first choice which was comedy, we decided wasn't going to be easy to make into an amazing trailer. Our trailer follows a storyline about a relationship that all goes very wrong. Then things start to get twisted as his girlfriend starts stalking Scott and she ends up killing him. I think that the storyline is gripping and twisted and should really grab our target audiences attention.

Final Teaser Trailer

This is the final cut of the teaser trailer.

Final Movie Magazine Front Cover

Reflection on what I have learnt from researching film magazines 
From doing research on five film magazines I have the made this front cover trying to use as many typical conventions as I could to capture the right audience. I found that all of them had big and bold headings and eye catching images. I made the head of both actors overlap the 'TAKE' in 'TAKE 3' to make the title feel more dynamic and more interesting to look at. The images are usually of the character or characters from the featuring film of the magazine. This is so that the audience know what they are going to be reading and can familiarise or recognise the character or film. I also noticed that as for all magazines, they have text telling you information or big articles down the sides of the magazine  and a subheading introducing the main subject of the magazine. They include different offers or exciting news to attract the attention of the audience,so I also tried use that on my own magazine, but showing the actors of my film, '36 New films 2011' and the website for 'TAKE 3'. This kind of information should keep my audience interested and want to buy and read the magazine. I also used the issue number, date and price and bar code to make it look professional.