Thursday 29 September 2011


Scene one

(Scott’s phone rings)
Scott: Hey, you alright?

Scott: Yeah, whats going on?

Gabby: Oi, who is that?

Scott: Er, yeah, I should be able to later on, yeah why, what do you wanna do?

Gabby: You're meant to be seeing me later

Scott: Err sorry, I won't be able to do that anymore...
(smug laugh) er, alright i'll talk to you in a bit, Bye

Gabby: You absolute DICK!
(Gabby storms away...)

Scene two
(She rings up Scott’s brother, due to suspicions.)

Gabby: Hi... Hey is Scott with you?Um, it's quite important

Kyle: Oh, Hey Gabby
(Scott shakes his head at his brother to signal he doesn't want to talk)
... No. I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment

Gabby: Oh, that’s a shame, I guess I'll have to catch him later, thanks bye.

Scene three
(Gabby creeps round from behind a wall as she watches Scott's every move)
(Gabby rings up Scott’s phone in her moment of rage. She wants revenge.)
Gabby: I’m after you. Good luck sleeping with one eye open.

Scene Four
(Heavy breathing as he runs through the woods)

Shooting script
green band
universal studios
mid shot of Scott answering his phone and tilts up towards his face
black screen "THEY WERE ONCE IN LOVE"
mid-shot of Scott answering his phone
mid two person shot
pans and fades
long shot of Gabby sitting on the stairs while on the phone
mid two person shot of Scott and his brother
back to longshot of Gabby and zooms in slowly to a close-up
long shot tracking Scott walking along
mid-shot of Gabby creeping around a wall
long shot of Scott walking, tracking and fade
close-up of Gabby
Scott's POV shot, establishing shot of woods
pans to see Gabby following
pans back again
pans to see gabby has gone
pans again to look all around
pans back to a mid-shot of Gabby as she walks towards the camera
black screen "coming soon"
fades to white
fades to red screen "The Following" 

Tuesday 13 September 2011


teaser trailer analysis

30 Minutes or Less

30 Minutes or Less Trailer
Length: 2 and a half minutes
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Cast: Jesse Eisenberg – Nick
          Aziz Ansari – Chet
          Danny McBride – Dwayne
          Nick Swardson - Travis
The shots at the start of the trailer are short and snappy as the two are taking shots at each other, verbally. And when the music starts its cuts to the real criminals and they find a way to convince the other two to rob a bank by strapping a bomb to Nick’s chest, this sense of urgency is shown with the short shot lengths here also. All the transitions are cuts to the next shots, which also show the urgency. These shots carry on all the way through the trailer, as they Nick has a bomb strapped to him for the majority of it.
The music is upbeat through the whole trailer as the trailer is for a comedy film, which usually means that there is a light mood through the whole of the film, ergo, the upbeat music. All the sound effects are very playful, for example, the ‘PING!’ when Nick presses his bobble head timer in his delivery car.
The lighting and the mise-on-scene, reflect the comedic nature of the film as it is very bright and playful lighting.
The costumes in the trailer that they are wearing are very casual and makes all the characters in the film seem relatable, the immersion in to the film is then heightened for the viewer, this makes for a very grabbing film.

Avengers Assemble Trailer

Length: 2 mins 29 secs 
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Cast: Chris Hemsworth - Thor
         Robert Downey Jr - Ironman/Tony Stark
         Scarlett Johansson - Black Widow
         Jeremy Renner - Hawkeye
         Chris Evans - Captain America
         Samuel L Jackson - Nick Fury

As nearly every trailer does, this one starts with the green band at the start to signify an appropriate viewing criteria for the any viewer, if it wasn't it would be a red band trailer. the next shot is a birdseye shot that is viewing a burning, smouldering city street, the destruction and carnage are typical conventions of action movies, this is also an establishing shot for the setting of the movie. There is then a sequence of slow motion shots that are full of explosions, again a convention of action films. After this there are lots of shots of distraught people and men in the army arriving in humvee's with guns, and firing the guns, this all gives a sense of an enemy that has yet to be seen by the viewer and raises suspense. It then introduces all of the main characters and shows them meeting within a few quick shots, this shows that they are all united to fight this still unknown evil. There is then a sequence that is rather long that shows all of the heroes fighting, it also introduces the villain of this movie, Loki, Thors evil brother, the god of mischief, the fighting and explosions are used again as the convention. The last shot of the trailer is of all the heroes together in a circle looking around and looking 'heroic', this again shows that they are united and ready to fight, the convention of destruction is shown by the torn up city behind them. One shot type that i felt stood out was the low-angle shot that Loki was introduced with, this shot shows that he is powerful and will be a formidable opponent.
there is the usual and characteristic of an action film music in this one, as there is fast paced music in the fight scenes and very heroic music when they are being introduced, there is sinister music being played when Loki walks on. There are sound effects such as guns and explosions that are used to emphasize the action genre. 
the lighting changes for when ever the heroes are on the screen there seems to be a light and heroic light that is shining on them, but when Loki is introduced there is a dark shadow that is visible and portrays that he is a sinister and evil character.
the costume that they are all wearing during the trailer are what is expected of Marvel Superheroes to wear, brightly coloured vibrant suits that show that they are very powerful beings, this vibrancy also enhances the few comedic elements that are in the trailer and shows that there are also light-hearted moments in movie. The women, Black Widow, has a tight lycra suit on which shows that she will inevitably use her looks as a way to get her way, this is very stereotypical. 

Film Magazine Front Cover Analysis

This magazine cover has a very bold and bright masthead which catches your attention. You also see an image of the actor who is the main feature of this magazine. The actor is dressed as the famous Harry Potter, by dressing him as his actual character he is more recognisable. It is a close up shot of his face and he is making eye contact with the camera/audience. He also looks very bloody and like he has been in a fight, this represents his character in the film as Harry always has a battle or a duel with his rival. Next to his face it has some text saying 'Bloody Hell' and 'Harry comes out fighting' which links in with the image on the magazine. Also because he is the main feature there will probably be other images inside the magazine which could attract more of an audience if they are Harry Potter fans.
The magazine advertises clearly, a 'Massive preview special' which could be another selling point for this particular magazine.  It advertises '45 new movies you need to know about' by using the words 'need' this makes the audience think they really do need to know and therefore will consider buying the magazine. It lists a few of these movies 'you need to see' underneath to tease the audience because they will buy the magazine to read on and find out the rest. There is a small image underneath this list which merges three different characters, which is also another teaser to attract the audience.

This magazine cover has a bright, bold and big masthead, which is eye catching and stands out clearly. The image is the main actor of 'Inception' the famous Leonardo DiCaprio. He is dressed as his character in the film and looks very serious and he is stood holding a gun, this looks like it could be one of the scenes from the film, which the audience could relate to. Across the image it says in big font, 'Inception' and just above has the name of the director. This is for audience recognition. If they are a fan of this film or the actor or director etc, they will be interested and want to read on. 
    The colours of the background aren't very bright. They are quite dull and dark, greyish colours which match the image and the genre of the film. It looks quite mysterious and this could be another way to catch the reader's attention. If you look carefully at the top it is a warped vision of a city, which relates to the film and where it was set. The image is over-lapping the masthead and then the subheading is over lapping the image, these are typical conventions for magazine.
     Above the masthead there is another heading which advertises another film, 'The Dark Knight Returns' this shows the audience that inside the magazine will be an article about this new film, and anyone that has already seen it may be interested. 
     Underneath the subheading is a quote about the film inception but it doesn't say who said it so we must presume this has been said by the magazine. Down each side of the magazine there is more text which advertises more articles and information inside the magazine. This is important for the audience so they know the main part of what they will be reading. They have cleverly designed the text so that it looks like it is being dragged towards to inside of the magazine or the 'city' which is in the image. This is all part of the theme of inception and therefore creates a good overall effect fot the audience. It also has more text in gold circle which tells the audience an opportunity they could have which will entice them to buy and read the magazine. It has another red box at the bottom corner which tells the audience more about what is inside the magazine. I like the way the text has been cleverly planned out and i think it all fits in very well with the theme.

This magazine cover has a bold and clear masthead which really stands out. It also has an image of the famous Johnny Depp, dressed as his 'Alice in Wonderland' character the Mad Hatter. If people are fans of this film they will instantly recognise this image and therefore relate it the magazine and want to read it. Down the left hand side of the magazine it says 'World exclusive, Welcome...' this text isn't particularly big but it has been boxed in yellow which catches the readers attention. It tells you that there will be an article on Johnny Depp and Alice in Wonderland inside and that it is exclusive which will entice the reader. Underneath this text in large and bold font it says 'Massive 2010 preveiw' this will interest the readers because they will want to get the latest information and films and ratings etc, so they are up to date. It says underneath this a list of films 'starring' in the preview which is also a play on words. If people recognise these films they will want to read the preview.
    At the top of the magazine there is text to advertise a 'FREE POSTER'. This will catch the readers attention but also appeal to people who like 'Giant Iron'. There is more text at the bottom which advertises more information about the magazine and articles inside.
       Overall i think this is a good, strong magazine cover and it would definitly catch my attention.

This magazine cover has a bright and bold masthead which attracts the audiences attention. At the very top of the magazine it says ' James Bond is back' which relates to the image of him on the front cover. It advertises the new film 'Quantum of Solace' which will attract readers that are fans of James Bond or want to watch this film. It has a circle underneath which reads '007 picture special' which tells the reader what they will be getting inside the magazine. The picture of 'James Bond' is large and his head over laps the masthead which is a typical convention for magazines. Where as all the other text is over the top of the image. He is dressed as his character and this makes him easily recognisable to the audience. The image looks like a scene from the film which is more interesting to the reader. 
    Down the side of the magazine they have more text advertising the articles inside the magazine and other movies featuring inside. This is also a typical convention for magazines.

This magazine cover has a bright and bold masthead and a large and colourful image on the front. This is important for attracting peoples attention. The image on the front is two characters from the film 'Avatar' This well known film was very popular and therefore when people see this image they will want to read the magazine to see more. It also says on the image 'Avatar' in large white font. This then makes it really clear to the audience. It says 'exclusive, the secrets of Avatar!' Using wording like this means that the audience can relate to it if they are a fan. The cover is a very simple layout, there is text used at the top advertise different articles inside the magazine. The use of language on the cover is kept to a minimum because people want to read the most interesting bits. 

Film Poster Analysis

Cloverfield Movie Poster

Location: the image is like the photo has been taken from Liberty Island looking back towards New York, easy to relate to, causing the viewer to be drawn in.
Image: the image is of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island and the city of New York in the background. The statue has the head missing; this signifies that the statue has been attacked by someone or ‘Some Thing’ as the caption above says. If the viewer is a resident of New York this film would be very intriguing to them as they can relate very closely to the statue and the city and may have been there themselves. If the viewer is not a resident they can still relate as the city is a very recognisable place and people know where it is and what it is supposed to look like, and this is not it.
The burning sky scrapers also cause this sort of relatable thing.
The colour scheme of the image and the text is made of mostly a white, grey and blue colour palette; this signifies that there is a dull and bleak feel to it, like there is little hope for whatever this ‘thing’ is to go away.
Text: the text follows conventions of film posters by being in very short supply on the poster so it does not deter from the very catching image that is on the poster. The text that is at the top of the page is slightly transparent, this makes it so that the bleak colours of the image come through the text to emphasise the feelings that this conveys.   

Captain America Movie Poster

Captain America
Location: the location of this poster is hard to identify as it is just clouds and debris. If i gauge it on the debris and dreary background of dark clouds, then i would make a guess and say that it is on a war torn battlefield, this being backed up by the back story of the film, being set in a wartime era. 
Image: the image on this poster is a bleak and dreary background and then the foreground is more colourful and is of Captain America, this makes him be signified as the hero and the main character of the film, also shown by the title, and he is the one who breaks through the darkness and conquers it as this can be portrayed from the colours of the poster. it is very central on the poster, this also shows that he is a powerful character.
Text: I think that the lack of text on this poster says a lot about the film, as many people know exactly what this film is as soon as they see that colours of the character being red, white and blue. The main text saying "AVENGE", across his chest, hints to the fact that he is part of the Avengers and that he will do some form of avenging during the film.

Harry Potter 7 part 2 Film Poster

Harry Potter
Location: the location of this poster also quite hard to determine, because there is no signifying things in the background. What I can say is that there is a lot of clouds in the background which shows that the characters may be in a clearing of some sort as there is nothing surrounding them. There is also a lot of debris around them, this signifies that they are part of some sort of battle or that there is some sort of battle that the viewers can look forward to in the film at some point.
Image: the image that is on the poster has a simple colour palette consisting of blues, greys, reds and black. the dark around the edge of the image and then the light in the centre, signifies how the wand in the middle is a source of hope and power, this is then challenged as the evil looking character has a grasp of the wand, which shows that he has the source of all this power and hope and can crush any hopes of the other characters. This gives away some of the story of the film as it shows that the heroes must retrieve the wand and stop this villain.
Text: this is another poster where there is a lack of text on the poster, this is because there is no need for it, as when a viewer sees the two iconic characters they automatically know what film it is, this leaves more room for a very good image and large image with little disturbance from the text on the poster. The words that are on the screen are very impacting on the audience, as the audience will usually have watch and engaged with all the other harry potter films, this being the last, none of the fans will want to miss it.

The Mechanic Movie Poster

The Mechanic
Image: the image on this poster is very simple, but effective as it in the shape of a pistol, but it is also made out of guns itself. this image suggests strongly that the film is heavily based on the use of guns, this appeals to a high percentage of people. the use of only orange and black makes the gun stand out a lot, and makes it possible for the audience and viewers of the poster to distinguish what the film will be about from a distance and will draw them in to view the poster and to watch the movie.
Text: the text that is on the poster, is in the same colours as the image but the main title of "The Mechanic" is in a metallic colour, this coheres with the theme of guns on the poster as it is the colour of guns. there is also a small amount of text on the poster, this keeps the main focus of the poster on the image. the poster also says the names of the main actors, this draw in viewers of the actors other films. 

Transformers Dark of the Moon movie poster

Location: the location of this poster is a city, the city seems to be under attack and is on fire, this conveys that there is some sort of attack on a city during the film. the city setting also makes the film seem more relatable for the audience, this draws the audience in.
Image: the image uses a lot of vibrant colours which conveys that all of the characters that are in the image are good characters and the characters in the centre, the man and the large robot, are the main characters and the girl that is set off to the side slightly seems to convey that she is less of a main character. as the robot is so large this conveys that the robot is very powerful and saves a lot of the characters, but as the boy is in the front of the robot also tells me that the robot is also saved by him.
Text: the text that is used on this poster is in the iconic font that is used in every transformers movie, this is very easy for the audience to relate to and get excited about.
There is also a lack of text on this poster which keeps the focus on the very eye catching image.


Character Biographies
(Female Character) Gabby Robinson – played by Connie Groves
Gabby Robinson is a college student that is 17 years of age. She is studying english, sport science, history and sociology. Whilst not at college she enjoys most sports but paricularly swimming, running and gymnastics. Being a lonely child she is spoilt by her wealthy, upper class parents. She is a fashionable person. She has been with her boyfriend Scott Davies for 4 years in a stable relationship. Her friends consider her the leader of their group of friends and look up to her for advice.

(Male Character) Scott Davies – played by James Fawcett
Scott Davies is a college student that is 17 years of age. He is studying film studies, media studies, sport science and english. Whilst not at college he enjoys most sports but particularly football, rugby and swimming, the similar interests in sport and english make these two characters a perfect couple. He has a younger brother, Kyle Davies.

Can ever really know your boyfriend? Can you ever really trust them? How honest are they really? Blinded by love, Gabby was convinced Scott was the one. When the relationship abruptly ends, it is more than she can take.

Statement of Intent
To tackle this task I will be planning the whole thing, so I will be able to see the whole film and pick which bits that I want to film for the teaser trailer. When I film I will get at least 5 minutes of footage, so that if the bits that I want to use are not very good then I  can scrap them and add in any of the other bits that I have filmed. The goal is to get a, at the max, 90 second teaser trailer, so 5 minutes of footage should be more than enough, especially with transitions and all the other parts of editing that I will be putting into it. To film this I will use a camera, that has the capability to zoom in and out, this will enable ease of filming, for some parts of the filming I will use a tripod to keep the camera as steady as possible, if I decide to have any parts in the film where there is a point of view shot then the person is running then I will have the actor hold the camera, this is because if there is a chase scene then the person running will be panicking, this will be conveyed more if the camera is shaking and trembling in the point of view shot.
I am the best to complete this task as i feel it is a good gripping story that I have come up with, so because I like the story, I feel that i will enjoy working on it more than if I did not like the story and characters.

The two are walking by a river, holding hands talking about the weekend and what they are going to do. Scott receives a phone call during a conversation with Gabby however due to his laddish ways and answers. Gabby is furious at Scott for ignoring her. She has suspicious of where Scott is going, she phones Scott’s house due to her suspicions, his brother Kyle answers the phone, he covers for him and says he’s there but can’t talk, this stops her suspicions, she accepts what she hears and puts the phone down.
The next afternoon they meet up in a silence of awkwardness with the potent of smell of perfume on Scott, Gabby instantly recognises that it is not her perfume smell. They argue for hours. After their quarrel Gabby runs away with rage in her eyes. Crying on the grass next to the river Gabby is in distraught, she looks to river at her own reflection in self pity.
Later that evening, Scott receives a phone call from an unknown number, he answers. A subtle but elegant voice speaks to him down the phone. “I’m after you; good luck sleeping with one eye open”. Scott instantly slams the phone down with fear. Scott has trouble sleeping through the cold and lonesome night.  
Scott arrives in college with one thought in his mind, who would have called him and threaten him? He walked around college nervously not trusting anyone. Gabby walks up behind him and whispers: “did you sleep well last night?” Scott’s face dropped in fear and said: “that was you last night who called me wasn’t it.” He looks around him and no one is there, just an empty room.
Scott decides to walk home after college, walking through the woods he looks behind and thinks he sees movement in the trees. He stops walking and stares back through the bushes worriedly. He starts to walk on but suddenly he hears footsteps from behind him again. He turns around quickly and looks back to find Gabby is there. Scott starts to run through the woods. Running for his life he stops and looks around but she has gone, confused and scared he runs on and as he turns around there she is standing in front of him. She storms towards him... Is this the end of Scott? 

Genre Specific Teaser Trailer Research

Now that I have done all of the trailers I will analyse teaser trailers that are specific to the genre of our film: Thriller

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Length: 1.35
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Cast: Christian Bale - Batman
        Gary Oldman - Jim Gordon
        Anne Hathaway - Catwoman
        Tom Hardy - Bane
        Liam Neeson - Ra's Al Ghul

As most teaser trailers do this trailer starts with the green band, this signifies that it is an official trailer and can be trusted to be a genuine article. The next part is the Warner Bros. logo that is zooming out, this also adds to the official feeling and also sets the mood, being dark colours, black and blue, there is also a Legendary Pictures logo, again official feeling.
the first shot of footage is that of a building with the camera moving upwards along a building, this establishes the setting to be in Gotham as this is associated with Batman. the next is of a line of text saying "every hero has a journey", this coheres with Batman being a hero. The following few shots are taken from the previous 2 batman films that featured Christian Bale, "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight", this also binds with the feeling of the films being a journey that the audience has shared with the character. The shot that ends these is a shot of Jim Gordon, lying in a hospital bed, this makes him seem very weak. while Jim is talking there are small cut shots that are in this part, they are of Gordon smashing the bat signal light and then a figure climbing from a well while Gordon says the word "Rising", this all meshes nicely and flows well. after Gordon has stopped talking there is a shot of the new villain, this being Bane, this gets the audience excited to see what the Villain will bring to the movie. The shot that ends the trailer is that of a worms eye view shot of buildings in the shape of the Batman symbol, this is a good way to end the trailer.
At the start of the trailer, there is a sound effect of fire that is building, this coheres with the background image that is fire pluming, and this gives the effect of the trailer exploding or building into something. For a good part of the trailer there is a tense feeling song that is playing to back the talking of Jim Gordon, this then builds to when the picture of Bane gets cut to, this is the climax of the building of the tense music, portraying him as an important character in the film. Also while Jim Gordon is talking in the hospital bed there is a piece of solemn string music playing that makes you feel sorry for the character, and also makes you listen to the character and take in his words. There is then another build up and climax to the end of the trailer when it zooms in to the bright light that is at the top of the skyline shot of Gotham, this is another good point leaving the tension building to the end and then leaves the audience in suspense for the film. 
The lighting that is in this trailer is dark and dank in this trailer, this then matches the genre of the trailer, Thriller, which means the trailer follows conventions.
Everyone that is in the trailer, is wearing casual clothing and seem relatable, then the two main characters that are in the trailer, Batman and Bane, they are wearing costumes, this makes them seem powerful and makes them the focus of the trailer.