Tuesday 13 September 2011


Character Biographies
(Female Character) Gabby Robinson – played by Connie Groves
Gabby Robinson is a college student that is 17 years of age. She is studying english, sport science, history and sociology. Whilst not at college she enjoys most sports but paricularly swimming, running and gymnastics. Being a lonely child she is spoilt by her wealthy, upper class parents. She is a fashionable person. She has been with her boyfriend Scott Davies for 4 years in a stable relationship. Her friends consider her the leader of their group of friends and look up to her for advice.

(Male Character) Scott Davies – played by James Fawcett
Scott Davies is a college student that is 17 years of age. He is studying film studies, media studies, sport science and english. Whilst not at college he enjoys most sports but particularly football, rugby and swimming, the similar interests in sport and english make these two characters a perfect couple. He has a younger brother, Kyle Davies.

Can ever really know your boyfriend? Can you ever really trust them? How honest are they really? Blinded by love, Gabby was convinced Scott was the one. When the relationship abruptly ends, it is more than she can take.

Statement of Intent
To tackle this task I will be planning the whole thing, so I will be able to see the whole film and pick which bits that I want to film for the teaser trailer. When I film I will get at least 5 minutes of footage, so that if the bits that I want to use are not very good then I  can scrap them and add in any of the other bits that I have filmed. The goal is to get a, at the max, 90 second teaser trailer, so 5 minutes of footage should be more than enough, especially with transitions and all the other parts of editing that I will be putting into it. To film this I will use a camera, that has the capability to zoom in and out, this will enable ease of filming, for some parts of the filming I will use a tripod to keep the camera as steady as possible, if I decide to have any parts in the film where there is a point of view shot then the person is running then I will have the actor hold the camera, this is because if there is a chase scene then the person running will be panicking, this will be conveyed more if the camera is shaking and trembling in the point of view shot.
I am the best to complete this task as i feel it is a good gripping story that I have come up with, so because I like the story, I feel that i will enjoy working on it more than if I did not like the story and characters.

The two are walking by a river, holding hands talking about the weekend and what they are going to do. Scott receives a phone call during a conversation with Gabby however due to his laddish ways and answers. Gabby is furious at Scott for ignoring her. She has suspicious of where Scott is going, she phones Scott’s house due to her suspicions, his brother Kyle answers the phone, he covers for him and says he’s there but can’t talk, this stops her suspicions, she accepts what she hears and puts the phone down.
The next afternoon they meet up in a silence of awkwardness with the potent of smell of perfume on Scott, Gabby instantly recognises that it is not her perfume smell. They argue for hours. After their quarrel Gabby runs away with rage in her eyes. Crying on the grass next to the river Gabby is in distraught, she looks to river at her own reflection in self pity.
Later that evening, Scott receives a phone call from an unknown number, he answers. A subtle but elegant voice speaks to him down the phone. “I’m after you; good luck sleeping with one eye open”. Scott instantly slams the phone down with fear. Scott has trouble sleeping through the cold and lonesome night.  
Scott arrives in college with one thought in his mind, who would have called him and threaten him? He walked around college nervously not trusting anyone. Gabby walks up behind him and whispers: “did you sleep well last night?” Scott’s face dropped in fear and said: “that was you last night who called me wasn’t it.” He looks around him and no one is there, just an empty room.
Scott decides to walk home after college, walking through the woods he looks behind and thinks he sees movement in the trees. He stops walking and stares back through the bushes worriedly. He starts to walk on but suddenly he hears footsteps from behind him again. He turns around quickly and looks back to find Gabby is there. Scott starts to run through the woods. Running for his life he stops and looks around but she has gone, confused and scared he runs on and as he turns around there she is standing in front of him. She storms towards him... Is this the end of Scott? 

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