Tuesday 13 September 2011

Film Poster Analysis

Cloverfield Movie Poster

Location: the image is like the photo has been taken from Liberty Island looking back towards New York, easy to relate to, causing the viewer to be drawn in.
Image: the image is of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island and the city of New York in the background. The statue has the head missing; this signifies that the statue has been attacked by someone or ‘Some Thing’ as the caption above says. If the viewer is a resident of New York this film would be very intriguing to them as they can relate very closely to the statue and the city and may have been there themselves. If the viewer is not a resident they can still relate as the city is a very recognisable place and people know where it is and what it is supposed to look like, and this is not it.
The burning sky scrapers also cause this sort of relatable thing.
The colour scheme of the image and the text is made of mostly a white, grey and blue colour palette; this signifies that there is a dull and bleak feel to it, like there is little hope for whatever this ‘thing’ is to go away.
Text: the text follows conventions of film posters by being in very short supply on the poster so it does not deter from the very catching image that is on the poster. The text that is at the top of the page is slightly transparent, this makes it so that the bleak colours of the image come through the text to emphasise the feelings that this conveys.   

Captain America Movie Poster

Captain America
Location: the location of this poster is hard to identify as it is just clouds and debris. If i gauge it on the debris and dreary background of dark clouds, then i would make a guess and say that it is on a war torn battlefield, this being backed up by the back story of the film, being set in a wartime era. 
Image: the image on this poster is a bleak and dreary background and then the foreground is more colourful and is of Captain America, this makes him be signified as the hero and the main character of the film, also shown by the title, and he is the one who breaks through the darkness and conquers it as this can be portrayed from the colours of the poster. it is very central on the poster, this also shows that he is a powerful character.
Text: I think that the lack of text on this poster says a lot about the film, as many people know exactly what this film is as soon as they see that colours of the character being red, white and blue. The main text saying "AVENGE", across his chest, hints to the fact that he is part of the Avengers and that he will do some form of avenging during the film.

Harry Potter 7 part 2 Film Poster

Harry Potter
Location: the location of this poster also quite hard to determine, because there is no signifying things in the background. What I can say is that there is a lot of clouds in the background which shows that the characters may be in a clearing of some sort as there is nothing surrounding them. There is also a lot of debris around them, this signifies that they are part of some sort of battle or that there is some sort of battle that the viewers can look forward to in the film at some point.
Image: the image that is on the poster has a simple colour palette consisting of blues, greys, reds and black. the dark around the edge of the image and then the light in the centre, signifies how the wand in the middle is a source of hope and power, this is then challenged as the evil looking character has a grasp of the wand, which shows that he has the source of all this power and hope and can crush any hopes of the other characters. This gives away some of the story of the film as it shows that the heroes must retrieve the wand and stop this villain.
Text: this is another poster where there is a lack of text on the poster, this is because there is no need for it, as when a viewer sees the two iconic characters they automatically know what film it is, this leaves more room for a very good image and large image with little disturbance from the text on the poster. The words that are on the screen are very impacting on the audience, as the audience will usually have watch and engaged with all the other harry potter films, this being the last, none of the fans will want to miss it.

The Mechanic Movie Poster

The Mechanic
Image: the image on this poster is very simple, but effective as it in the shape of a pistol, but it is also made out of guns itself. this image suggests strongly that the film is heavily based on the use of guns, this appeals to a high percentage of people. the use of only orange and black makes the gun stand out a lot, and makes it possible for the audience and viewers of the poster to distinguish what the film will be about from a distance and will draw them in to view the poster and to watch the movie.
Text: the text that is on the poster, is in the same colours as the image but the main title of "The Mechanic" is in a metallic colour, this coheres with the theme of guns on the poster as it is the colour of guns. there is also a small amount of text on the poster, this keeps the main focus of the poster on the image. the poster also says the names of the main actors, this draw in viewers of the actors other films. 

Transformers Dark of the Moon movie poster

Location: the location of this poster is a city, the city seems to be under attack and is on fire, this conveys that there is some sort of attack on a city during the film. the city setting also makes the film seem more relatable for the audience, this draws the audience in.
Image: the image uses a lot of vibrant colours which conveys that all of the characters that are in the image are good characters and the characters in the centre, the man and the large robot, are the main characters and the girl that is set off to the side slightly seems to convey that she is less of a main character. as the robot is so large this conveys that the robot is very powerful and saves a lot of the characters, but as the boy is in the front of the robot also tells me that the robot is also saved by him.
Text: the text that is used on this poster is in the iconic font that is used in every transformers movie, this is very easy for the audience to relate to and get excited about.
There is also a lack of text on this poster which keeps the focus on the very eye catching image.

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