Friday 25 November 2011

Print Screens of the Editing Process

The program that was used to edit the teaser trailer was Adobe Premiere, here are the features that were used:

 This is the timeline that is the central point for all the editing that is done in the program, this is where you drag all the effects and transitions onto. The red line that is on the timeline is the current position of the play through or if you drag this to a position that is on the timeline, the video will begin to play from that position.

These two screen shots are of the importing process, this part of the program was essential as if we could not import files then we could not use any of the clips that we went out to record for our trailer, we wouldn't be able to import still images that we needed for the trailer or the music and sound clips that we used would also not be in there.

Here is the shot of where we view the video that we have so far, the preview window if you like. This has the video in the form of what it would be as a final product and is what we go by to gauge how the movie is coming along and what we need to do to improve or add to it. This part is obviously another vital part of the program as we would not be able to see our work if this section of the program was not there.

These are the quick select tools that the program has to offer for quick editing options. The tools that we used the most are the two that are highlighted in this screen shot, the "Select" tool on the left and the "Split" tool that is in yellow. The select tool is the default pointer that does all the navigating of the program, such as the drop down menus and the dragging of the effects onto the timeline where they are needed. The split tool is a very easy way of taking parts of the clip and the music that you do not need out, and it is done by you clicking either side of the part of the clip that you want and then it "Split" 's the clip and then all that is needed is to delete the parts of that split clip that you do not need.

This is the section where you can browse all of the effects that you can add to the video by dragging them onto the correct part of the timeline. The video effects were what we used the most as we used them to add that dark feeling that the thriller genre needs. Also we used the video transitions quite a lot so the the video flowed nicely and didn't just have all cuts to the next scene, instead of having cuts we used fades to black and fades to white depending on the feel that the scene had.

This is where we controlled the effects that we added to the trailer, such as how quickly the fade happened and how much of a pause there is between the scenes. We also used this section to control the volume level of the audio in each clip, this tool was very helpful as it made it possible for us to fine tune the clips and audio to our liking.

This is the list of all of the imported files that we used and also the title were put into it, this list is very useful as you can delete parts that have gone wrong and just drag the straight back onto the timeline and start again, therefore not having to import again if the section that you are working on goes wrong. The search bar that is at the top of this list made it easier again, if we needed a file that we couldn't see on that section of the list, then we just type in the name of the clip, sound or image and it would jump straight to it.

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